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Harsha Abegunasekara

Made, Making

Actively investing in early-stage startups with a focus on innovative solutions and high-growth potential. If you're a founder looking for an investment, feel free to reach out at

 Sales is a probability game

Sales = N * C * V To get more sales, you just need to work on improving each part. ➡️ Boosting N (Number of attempts): ➡️ Improving C (Conversion

The Multipotentialite Expectation Gap

This is one of the unspoken reasons we start but don’t finish our projects I’ve started and quit loads of projects. No shock there, huh? Sometimes it’s because I’ve got bored and

Debt – How do the Rich use debt?

We were taught a bunch of lies about debt. That debt is always: bad, irresponsible, dangerous & even predatory. The Aramaic words for sin and debt in the bible are

14 Sir Baron Jayathilake Mawatha, Colombo 00100

+94 766 15 2311

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